
Showing posts from October, 2018

Daniel Epega, Experienced Rock Climber, On Nutrition for Climbers: Keys to a Healthy Ascent

Daniel Epega On What Style of Yoga is Right for You

Daniel Epega Yoga Teacher

Daniel Epega has worked as an environmental consultant ever since graduating from university in 2012. Always a devoted student of nature, he combined his environmental science background with an encyclopedic knowledge of environmental regulation and policy history by working for local and regional governments in Brazil. Mr. Epega is widely recognized in the public and private sectors for his unique ability to turn regulation obstacles into efficiency opportunities. Daniel Epega has worked with municipal governments, NGO’s, and publicly traded corporations in the manufacturing industry. Offering insights derived from field observation, lab work, and policy study, he challenges companies to streamline production by using the very compliance issues that ensnare many businesses in red tape. Mr. Epega’s groundbreaking strategies have made him one of the most respected experts in his field, and he shows no signs of slowing down. When he can find some time to ease the pace of his busy li